
Poll Conducted : Sat 10 Feb 1996 to Tues 13 Feb 1996

Sample Size : 542 registered ACT voters in the Division of Namadgi

Sample Method : Simple Random Sample of 1995 Telecom White Pages

Survey Method : CATI Telephone survey of telephone connected dwellings

Recently, there has been some talk of selling part or all of the government owned telephone company – previously Telecom and now known as Telstra. Thinking generally about the next three years are you in favour of: selling none of Telstra so it remains completely government owned; selling some of Telstra so it remains partly government owned and partly privately owned; or selling all of Telstra so that it is completely privately owned?

Next, I would like you ti think about how the different political parties might manage the Commonwealth Public Service. Which party or independent candidate comes closest to your view of how the Commonwealth Public Service should be managed?

Thinking next about the question of Australia becoming a Republic some time in say the next 10 years. Generally are you: in favour; neutral; or against; Australia becoming a Republic?

Overall, thinking about the performance of Paul Keating, the Prime Minister of Australia, would you say that you approve or disapprove of his performance?

And thinking about the performance of John Howard, the Leader of the Opposition, would you say that you approve or dissaprove of his performance?

Who would you prefer as Prime Minister of Australia, Paul Keating or John Howard?

The next Federal election will be held in about three weeks time on Saturday the 2nd of March. When you vote in the Federal election in the electorate of Namadgi. I will now read out each of the candidates standing in your electorate. Who will you give your first vote to.


Shane Rattenbury – Greens, Annette Ellis – Australian Labor Party, Derek Rosborough – Independent, Brendan Smyth – Liberal.

Respondents were also asked: Their 1st preference vote in the last House of Representatives election; Age; Sex; Suburb and Income sector.

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