
After half a decade, some sanity has prevailed on Acton Peninsula and Kingston foreshore. Only by historical accident did the ACT get jurisdiction over Acton, and then only partial jurisdiction. That accident was that a hospital happened to be on the site and the Federal Government, in the lead-up to self government in 1989 was determined that health be a territory matter. In a word _ Acton came with the territory.

Once the hospital went, there was no need for the ACT to retain control. Similarly with Kingston. Once a new home could be found for the Federal government printer, there was no need for the Federal Government to have the site. Current land use was a silly determinant what should be “”national” land and what should be “”territory” land. A better determinant is natural geography and proximity to national institutions.

Acton peninsula juts into the national heart of the city. Virtually any national institution of building would sit comfortably there. As it happens it is to be the first part of the National Museum of Australia. On the other side of the lake, Kingston presents a grand opportunity. It is close to a dense residential area and is a central place for Canberrans to come for cultural and social events. No doubt there will be a certain amount of yapping about contamination at both the hospital and printing works. That should be silenced by a commitment from both governments to present the other with a clean site.

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