
Add trivia… General Knowledge

1. What is the capital of Rwanda?

2. Who is the head of Microsoft Corporation?

3. What does CD-ROM stand for?

4. What is the chemical symbol for copper.

5. Who was the second human to walk on the moon?

6. Which is the closest national park to Narrabri?

7. What is the cube root of 27?

8. Who made the first recorded exploration of the western Australian coast in 1616?

9. Who is the Governor of the Reserve Bank?

10. What is the relationship between water, litres, tonnes and metres.

11. Which was the first Australian state to make voting compulsory?

12. Who began and led the French Impressionist school?

13. Whose previous surnames were Baker or Mortenson?

14. What happened on Australia Day 1808?

15. When was the Great Fire of London?

16. Who was the first Aboriginal member of Federal Parliament?

17. Who was born on January 8, 1935, in Tupelo, Mississippi?

18. Where is Kata Juta?

19. Who is the Premier of Tasmania?

20. Who was the second Prime Minister of Australia?

Z 1. Kigali.

Z 2. Bill Gates.

Z 3. Compact Disc Read-Only Memory.

Z 4. Cu.

Z 5. Buzz Aldrin.

Z 6. Mount Kaputar.

Z 7. 3.

Z 8. Dirck (correct) Hartog.

Z 9. Bernie Fraser.

Z 10. One thousand litres of water weighs one tonne and occupies one cubic metre of space.

Z 11. Queensland in 1914.

Z 12. Claude Monet.

Z 13. Marilyn Monroe.

Z 14. The Rum Rebellion.

Z 15. 1666.

Z 16. Neville Bonner.

Z 17. Elvis Presley.

Z 18. Uluru National Park, Northern Territory.

Z 19. Ray Groom.

Z 20. Alfred Deakin.

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