The threat of a Muslim political party

Senator Fatima Payman’s resignation/expulsion/removal from the Australian Labor Party and results in last week’s British election have caused a fair amount of hand-wringing and “watch-out” warnings.

Labour in Britain lost seats to several pro-Palestinian independents and pro-Palestinian Greens, including to former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

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In Australia, populism goes up in smoke

The unanimous support in the Senate for the law regulating vapes was a pleasant departure from the growing polarisation in Australian politics.

For some time, it appeared that the Opposition was going down the path of opposing for opposing’s sake or rejecting evidence and science in favour of the commercial interests of their donors and supporters.

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Kill climate war with election now

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese should call an election now. It is plainly in the national interest to do so. 

Normally, you would think, the party out of power has no power. Unfortunately, this is not the case. In Australia, Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has exercised damaging power from without right now.

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Climate and informatiom wars

The informationally challenged and the information poor get to vote, and the information deniers do their utmost to influence that vote. It is perhaps why democracy is the worst system of government possible – except all the rest.

The informationally challenged are, usually through no fault of their own, incapable of processing information and coming to solid conclusions. The information poor include all the informationally challenged plus those who could process information but are either preoccupied with other things or too lazy.

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Population boom puts us in depression

“A word means what I want it to mean, nothing more, nothing less,” Humpty Dumpty said in “Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There”.

The International Monetary Fund says “most commentators” define “recession” as two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth. And the “growth” refers to growth in Gross National Product.

Hence we have the Alice in Wonderland conclusion that Australia is not in recession.

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Anglosheric political madness

In politics, it seems, rationality has become but a small episode in a general theatre of madness. 

In the US a convicted felon is poised to be President again. In Britain, a dying government is sending refugees to Rwanda and wants to draft 19-year-olds into “national service”. In Australia, the Opposition sees nuclear power as the salvation when coal power stations shut down, as if the power stations are pieces of Leggo – throw out a brown bit and immediately replace it with a silver bit.

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Explaining Dutton’s dumb nuclear plan

UK’s Hinkley nuclear power station – 17 years and $50 billion over.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s desperate clinging to a nuclear-power policy tells us a great deal about what is wrong with Australian politics today.

Seventy years ago next month, the world’s first nuclear-power station at Obninsk in the Soviet Union was connected to the Moscow grid.

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An extremely rank list

Ranked lists are everywhere: the NYT bestsellers; 10 best holiday towns; best 10 cars; Eurovision; best Italian restaurants in Perth; top 40; best actor; best supporting actor. And on and on it goes.

So, what is wrong with the boys at the Anglican Yarra Valley Grammar School making a ratings list of the senior girls at the school, as they were caught doing this month?

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Legal talent wasted on speech cases

In the past few months staggering millions of dollars in costs have been run up in cases of people complaining about what publishers publish or twits Tweet.

The Roberts-Smith was costly enough, but the Lehrmann case metastatised into multiple defamation actions with lawyers on thousands of dollars a day applying complicated defamation law to the entrails of what was said or published on multiple platforms.

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