Abbott joins wrong international effort

THERE’S nothing like an external threat to ginger up support for a government. It happened this week after Tony Abbott’s speech to Parliament and the United Nations. His approval rating shot up six points. The voters, of course, are irrational. But smart politicians recognise voters’ irrationality and you can hardly blame them for playing the national security card. But do not mistake it for leadership. Continue reading “Abbott joins wrong international effort”

High Court says no to indefinite refugee detention

THE High Court has put a bit of a dent in John Howard’s 2001 election slogan: “We decide who comes here, and the circumstances in which they come.” Last week, the court overturned action of the Minister for Immigration which would have blocked a stateless refugee’s chance at applying for a visa. Continue reading “High Court says no to indefinite refugee detention”

Scaremongers on Scottish independence meet match

THE scaremongers on Scottish independence have met their match. Also electricity companies quietly change pricing to counteract solar.

I WONDER if the Prime Minister of an independent Scotland will be as witty as former New Zealand Prime Minister Robert “Piggy” Muldoon when bands of Scottish unemployed move across the border to pick up higher unemployment benefits in a more prosperous England. Continue reading “Scaremongers on Scottish independence meet match”

‘Independent’ inquiries go up in smoke

ANOTHER week, another shift towards great inequality in Australia. Another week and another “independent” inquiry delivers precisely the recommendations that the government expected and wanted from the people it appointed to the inquiry. Former Reserve Bank board member Dick Warburton’s review of the Renewable Energy Target was a classic example of the political adage “never have an inquiry unless you know the result” and the best way to know the result is to pick the right person to head the inquiry.

ANOTHER week, another shift towards great inequality in Australia. Another week and another “independent” inquiry delivers precisely the recommendations that the government expected and wanted from the people it appointed to the inquiry. Former Reserve Bank board member Dick Warburton’s review of the Renewable Energy Target was a classic example of the political adage “never have an inquiry unless you know the result” and the best way to know the result is to pick the right person to head the inquiry. Continue reading “‘Independent’ inquiries go up in smoke”