Can the Greens replace Labor?

PRIME Minister Julia Gillard described it as a Government that had “lost its way”. This week Climate Change Minister Greg Combet used slightly different words. He said the Australian Labor Party had failed ”to make sure that people grasped what drives us, what our values are”. The difference is significant. Continue reading “Can the Greens replace Labor?”

Wrong defendants in Afghan case

MAYBE some good will come out of the charging this week of an Australian soldier with manslaughter over a botched raid in Afghanistan.

“Not though the soldier knew
Someone had blundered.
Into the Valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.”

MAYBE some good will come out of the charging this week of an Australian soldier with manslaughter over a botched raid in Afghanistan. Continue reading “Wrong defendants in Afghan case”

Constitutionally, marriage not all it’s cracked up to be

MARRIAGE and death are among the most important things humans have to deal with. After the Howard and Rudd Governments did their best to take them off the Federal Parliament’s agenda permanently, the Greens are to use their new-found position of power to put them back on. Continue reading “Constitutionally, marriage not all it’s cracked up to be”

Election reveals constitutional flaws

A TIED result of 75 seats to each side has been averted. At least for now. A by-election or defection could change things. The narrowness of the election shows some of the defects in our Constitution. It is plainly a defect that the Constitution permits an even number of members in the House of Representatives. Continue reading “Election reveals constitutional flaws”